【预售】Space Informatics for Sustainable Development
[预订]Transforming Biomedical Informatics and Health Information Access 9781643682389
【预售】Street Computing: Urban Informatics and City Inte
【预订】Deep Learning, Machine Learning and IoT in Biomedical and Health Informatics 9780367544256
【预订】Quantum Bio-Informatics III
【预售】Health Informatics and Medical Syste...
【预订】Healthcare Informatics and Analytics
【预售】Quantum Bio-Informatics IV: From Quantum Information
预订 Informatics and Nursing, International Edition: Opportunities and Challenges 信息学与护理学:机遇与挑战(国际版):
【预订】Genome Informatics 2007
【预售】Cancer Informatics: Essential Technologies for
【预售】Latin 2000: Theoretical Informatics: 4th Latin
【预售】Intelligence and Security Informatics: Pacific Asia
【预订】Advances in Healthcare Informatics a...
【预订】Informatics in Schools: Focus on Lea...
【预订】Translational Informatics: Realizing...
【预售】Intelligence and Security Informatics: International
【预订】Social Informatics
【预订】Brain Informatics and Health
【预售】Perspectives in Business Informatics Research: 10th
【预售】Algebraic Informatics: 3rd International Conference
【预售】Perspectives in Business Informatics Research: 9th
【预订】Brain Informatics: International Con...
【预订】Perspectives in Business Informatics...
【预售】Informatics in Economy
【预售】Consumer Informatics: Applications and Strategies in
【预订】Public Health Informatics and Inform...
【预订】Social Informatics: 9th Internationa...
【预售】LATIN 2018: Theoretical Informatics...
【预售】Social Informatics: Third International Conference
【预售】Algebraic Informatics: 4th International Conference
【预售】Sofsem 2000: Theory and Practice of Informatics:
【预订】Advances in Visual Informatics: 5th ...
【预订】Brain Informatics
【预售】Intelligence and Security Informatics: European
【预售】Visual Informatics: Sustaining Research and
【预订】Cognitive Informatics in Health and ...
【预订】Advanced Informatics for Computing R...
【预售】Sofsem 2002: Theory and Practice of Informatics:
【预订】Perspectives of System Informatics: ...
【预售】Advanced Informatics for Computing Research
【预售】Social Informatics: 4th International Conference
【预订】Field Informatics
【预订】Anesthesia Informatics
【预订】Teaching Fundamental Concepts of Informatics
【预售】Perspectives in Business Informatics Research
【预订】Informatics in Schools. Engaging Learners in Computational Thinking
【预售】Perspectives in Business Informatics...
【预订】The History of Medical Informatics i...
【预订】Intelligence and Security Informatics
【预售】Brain Informatics
【预售】Social Informatics: 10th International Conference, SocInfo 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 25-28, ...
【预售】Geo-informatics in Sustainable Ecosystem and Society
【预订】Perspectives of System Informatics
【预订】Neurocritical Care Informatics
【预订】Informatics in Schools. Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering
【预订】Perspectives in Business Informatics Research
【预售】Informatics in Schools. New Ideas in School Informatics: 12th International Conference on Informatics in S...
【预售】Applied Informatics
【预售】Social Informatics
【预订】Biomedical Informatics
【预售】Perspectives of Systems Informatics
【预订】Advanced Informatics for Computing Research 9789811636523
【预售】Algebraic Informatics
【预订】Informatics Education in Healthcare
【预订】Practitioner’s Guide to Health Informatics
【预订】Human Factors in Computing and Informatics
【预订】SOFSEM 2001: Theory and Practice of Informatics
【预订】LATIN 2016: Theoretical Informatics
【预订】Algebraic Informatics 9783031196843
【预订】Informatics in Schools. a Step Beyond Digital Education: 15th Intern 9783031158506
【预订】Perspectives in Business Informatics Research 9783031169465
【预订】Perspectives in Business Informatics Research 9783030872045
【预订】Advances in Visual Informatics
【预订】Computational Visualistics, Media Informatics, and Virtual Communities
【预订】Informatics Education in Healthcare 9783030538156
【预订】Informatics in Schools: Improvement of Informatics Knowledge and Perception
预订 Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem
预订 Security Engineering and Intelligence Informatics
【预订】Digitalization of Power Markets and Systems Using Energy Informatics 9783030833039
【预售】Informatics in Primary Care: Strategies in
预订 Cognitive Informatics in Health and Biomedicine
【预订】Social Informatics 9783031190964
预订 Medical Informatics Europe ’90: Proceedings, Glasgow, Scotland, August 20-23, 1990
预订 The Envisionment and Discovery Collaboratory (Edc): Explorations in Human-Centered Informatics
预订 Perspectives of System Informatics
预订 Social Informatics
[预订]Basics in Business Informatics 9783658358587
预订 Brain Informatics